
Launched: 2022

Top 5 Members


Marine Club Nagi

certified silver member


Onna-son, Japan

Contact info:



nabee beach

certified bronze member


Onna-son, Japan

Contact info:





Inactive Members

These members were previously active but have not had a Green Fins assessment or self-evaluation to verify their environmental impact in the last 12 months. An inactive status does not mean they are not operational or that they are not following environmental standards.

Blue ocean

inactive member


Onna-son, Japan

Contact info:



Seven Ocean's Club

inactive member


Onna-son, Japan

Contact info:




inactive member


Onna-son, Japan

Contact info:



The Green Fins JAPAN Team 🇯🇵

The Green Fins approach is being piloted in Japan by Onna Village as part of the national Sustainable Development Goals project as it aims to manage an expansive diving and snorkelling industry. This work is being supported by Onna Village local government and Diving Association and Ocean+α.

Initial scoping in 2013 was supported by NPO Okinawa O.C.E.A.N. after which Onna Village was recommended as a pilot site for Green Fins. The Japanese Ministry of Environment included Green Fins within its national Coral Reef Action Plan 2016-2021.

The full launch of Green Fins in Japan happened in May 2022 (this launch had been delayed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic).

Implementation Partners

Voices from the network

“Though I cannot change things just by myself, with support from and cooperation with many people we can protect the environment and maintain it for future generations,” he says. “I hope that by using the Green Fins code of conduct, we will be able to inform divers about environmental issues more effectively and enable divers to have a wonderful diving experience.”
Yoshimi Nagahama
Onna Village Mayor

Related Blogs and News

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Onna Village, First in Japan to Implement Green Fins Environmental Standards

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Dive centre managers and owners sitting around a table learning about Green Fins
10 Japanese Dive Centres Receive Green Fins Training

In 2019, the Reef-World team visited Onna Village, Okinawa. During the trip they conducted a scoping trip and met with the people who will make up the Green Fins national team. This included representatives from Onna Village local government, Onna Village Diving Association, Oceana and Japan Association for UNEP as well as Onna Village’s Mayor. … Read more