Green Fins Dive Guide e-Course
Learn how to positively influence your guests and help protect coral reefs one dive at a time
Why take this course?
As a dive professional leading and guiding scuba divers, you have the ability to positively influence diver behaviour and help protect coral and other marine life on every dive. If you can manage your divers and prevent them from causing damage, then you are helping protect coral reefs one dive at a time.
The Green Fins Dive Guide e-Course is FREE to take and will build on your existing scuba diving knowledge by providing you with the skills and confidence to conduct more environmentally friendly diving trips. After each module, you will do a short test
Learn how to positively influence your guests and help protect coral reefs one dive at a time
Learn tips and tricks for protecting the environment above and below the water
Do your part for Sustainable Development Goal 14
Receive a personalised certificate ($25)
What’s in the course?
Module 1
Basic background to this course, coral reefs and the Green Fins initiative.
Module 2
Tips and advice concerning best practice above water and on the boat.
Module 3
What you can do below water and how to manage yourself and your divers.
Apply to be a GREEN FINS DIVE GUIDE Scholar
Receive your Green Fins environmental certification with the Andrea Leeman Green Fins Dive Guide Scholarship Fund
The Green Fins Dive Guide e-Course trains dive guides to the best environmental standards, helping them to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems by reducing the negative impacts of scuba diving above and below the water. While it’s free to take the course, the personalised certificate to prove your status as a Green Fins guide costs $25 USD. However, we realise some dive guides – particularly those from developing countries – are unable to afford this expense.
For this reason, The Reef-World Foundation has launched the Andrea Leeman Green Fins Dive Guide Scholarship Fund which will help dive guides in need receive their Green Fins certification. More and more divers are looking to choose guides who follow environmental best practice so displaying this certificate can help you attract eco-minded customers, increase your employability and may even result in more tips!
If you’ve taken and passed the Green Fins Dive Guide e-Course but can’t afford the certification fee, you might be eligible for a Scholarship. You can apply at any time.
Before proceeding with your application, please ensure you meet all the requirements for the Scholarship. To be eligible for the scholarship, dive guides must:
Please note:
Banner Image Credit: Renata Romeo / Ocean Image Bank