Sponsor a Dive Guide
Your support can help Reef-World provide deserving dive guides with their Green Fins environmental certification!
The Green Fins Dive Guide e-Course trains dive guides to the best environmental standards, helping them to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems by reducing the negative impacts of scuba diving above and below the water. Since its launch, the course has been a huge success with dive professionals around the world signing up to learn how to reduce diving-related damage to coral reefs.
Yet, some dive guides — particularly those from developing countries — are unable to afford the $25 USD personalised certificate which showcases their successful completion of the course and helps attract eco-minded customers. Having a certificate can support dive guides and their families by increasing employability and may even result in more tips!
To identify and support those in need, The Reef-World Foundation has launched the Andrea Leeman Green Fins Dive Guide Scholarship Fund, which aims to raise £2,000 to enable 100 dive guides to become scholars each year.
This fund has already enabled over 2000 trainees to successfully complete the course, boosting their skills and employability. Without donations and support from this fund, these talented and committed ocean advocates would not be able to progress their careers in this way.
Help Reef-World continue to break down barriers to accessing this educational opportunity by donating using the form below.
Learn more about the eligibility of dive guides and the application process.
As well as knowing you’ve helped a deserving dive guide receive their Green Fins environmental certification, donors will benefit from:
Please note:
Reef-World reserves the right to refuse donations where funds have come from activities or operations considered detrimental to people or the environment or that are not in line with Reef-World’s values.
Reef-World reserves the right to use excess funds for the Green Fins initiative.