If you are reading this post, then you are most likely hoping that your operation (dive centre, snorkelling business, or liveaboard) will meet the criteria of external eco recognition, such as the PADI Eco Center, to help your operation stand out from the crowd and have your sustainable efforts recognised.
In a recent Reef-World survey, the study reveals dive tourists are looking for more environmental education and are willing to pay more for sustainable options whilst on holiday. However, they are holding back on spending more due to the risk of contributing money towards “greenwashing” as some businesses present themselves as environmentally friendly, but that isn’t the case.
It is clear that the marine tourism industry needs a brand-conscious, transparent and effective global green label to address that. Green Fins is the world’s first independent certificate to stop the environmental impact from marine-based tourism. The Green Fins membership process looks at a tourism business holistically, avoiding the risk of providing an eco-label built upon greenwashing.
What is external eco recognition
The Reef-World Foundation’s external eco recognition highlights businesses that demonstrate exemplary commitment to sustainability and conservation. Dive centres can earn the recognition by adhering to the Green Fins Code of Conduct, along with other requirements.
To deliver this program, Reef-World works with external partners such as dive training agencies, booking platforms and other key organisations in the marine tourism industry, to incorporate Green Fins membership within their in-house programmes. Reef-World partners recognise the Green Fins initiative as the world’s leading authority on environmental standards and best practice for marine tourism operators. Green Fins provides legitimacy to these programmes, allowing partners to highlight their most sustainable operators with confidence.
External eco recognition provides incredible incentives for a large portion of the diving industry to adopt better environmental practices through Green Fins and opens the doors to additional benefits for those Green Fins Members. Through this recognition programme, we elevate and spotlight sustainable businesses in the industry, encouraging others to follow their lead. We call on additional agencies and organisations to adopt and promote these standards to grow the network of marine tourism operators working together to ensure the future of our coral reefs, and the marine life they depend on for the future of their businesses too.
Steps for Green Fins Certified Members
For Green Fins Certified Members, you’ll need to have registered your operation (find out how) on Green Fins Hub and achieved Certified Silver or Certified Gold membership from an in-person assessment in the last 12 months. Certified Members are seen as role models of the Green Fins network who can spread important environmental messages and share best practices. So, while not required for the recognition, we encourage Certified Members to participate in the Community Forum actively.
Steps for Green Fins Digital Members
For Green Fins Digital Members, your journey also starts with registering your operation on Green Fins Hub. Digital membership has three components: Self-Evaluation, Action Plan and Community, each with its own scoring.
- Achieve a minimum self-evaluation score
The self-evaluation score is based on the environmental impact of your business in compliance with the Green Fins Code of Conduct. To qualify, you must meet the minimum threshold, demonstrating that your operations align with sustainable practices. - Commit to continuous improvement
Show your dedication to improving your business’s environmental performance by implementing your Action Plan throughout the year and tracking it in the Action Plan Tracker on the Green Fins Hub. Working together with your teammates will help you to improve your overall impact score. It is recommended that you complete at least one action point per quarter to stay on track. - Engage in the Community Forum
Actively participate in the Green Fins Community Forum to share experiences, learn from others, and contribute to the global diving industry’s sustainability. Every action you and your team take on the forum earns “waves”, which contribute to your overall impact score and increase your eligibility for external eco recognition. You can track your score on the real-time leaderboard.
Digital Members self-manage their sustainability journey. So, you will need to make progress in all three scoring components to meet the criteria for external eco recognition. Once your environmental performance meets a minimum threshold, and you engage as outlined above over the course of the membership period, then you are on track to meeting the criteria for recognition!
If you have any questions or need help, please visit the membership support centre or contact info@greenfins.net for assistance.